Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Edinburgh Festival Day!

Today was tourist day and that entails all things Edinburgh festival, National Museum and lovely friends. Here's a little sample of how the day unfolded!

Spindle knitted jumper on the Royal completed.

I am having a thing for incredibly cosy and oversized scarfs. So freaking CUDDLY!

ohh noooo, she's disappearing into the can tell we were having fun.


..Is it just me or does this exhibition section look like a face?

It's always been my dream to sit inside a tree. The new section of the museum tickles the giggling child in me. 

Alice? ...this sums up how excited we were even though we were being told to leave the 'kiddies' one understands our lack of maturity.

meow x

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Family Days.

Today I spent the day with my family (hence the title) seeing as we have all been busy and some in other countries. A day spent in Edinburgh, going for lunch at the balmoral after, stupidly, driving in through the royal mile..there was even time for some scenic photos of the glorious sunshine from the car while it lasted.

My little brother has stolen my favourite, hand-me-down vintage jacket which is perfectly oversized. It angers me that he suits it although admittedly only when he is sitting down. Mash, little brother, has been my project ever since he asked my opinion on what sunglasses to wear when he was about 12 years old. He is almost 16 now and I am proud of my creation.

After a browse through Topshop/man I managed to gain an early birthday prenice (a prenice is what I call presents because that's how I used to say it when I was a wee toddler. It's the little things) in the form of a beautiful, real leathery smelling bag from the Topman limited collection.

I am in love with it and it's a Mary Poppins bag all the way..even better than my other capacious bag named 'Tardis' which is my favourite handbag of all time. It has served me a good 3 years <3

Other purchases included an incredibly cosy chashmere cardigan and vintage renewal denim shirt. Again, I'm in love. Wearing the cardigan now and it's dificult resisting the temptation to stroke my cheek on it every five minutes.. hmmmmm! So soft.

I hope you all had a wonderful day and i'll leave you with words of wisdom...

meow x

Friday, 12 August 2011

Found my Cafe

A little while ago I decided to go on a hunt for my favourite little cafe in the centre of Edinburgh (Spending Time In Edinburgh ) AAANNNND I've found it!!!


Artisan Roast is a little, unique cafe on Broughton Street near Omni Centre in town and seems to be the only place where I can have a double shot latte without wincing from the strength ! Which I'm taking to be a good sign. I have been popping in whenever I can for about 3 years now but now I love going out of my way and out of the buzzing streets to sit and spend time with my friends there with a b-e-a-uuutiful glass...yes glass (it's SO adorable) of coffee or chilli hot chocolate for those inevitable 'Scottish' days. 

If you're at the festival take a walk down. Directions are on their website ^^ 

meow xo

Monday, 8 August 2011

shoes shoes shoes! Purchase of the Month!

This is my purchase of the month..I don't even feel bad about it. LOOK AT, UGH sheer beauty.

Miss Selfridge £50. My parents don't know so no body tell them :P

We spent the day trying on different shoes and somehow this one (above) persueded me to buy the first pair she got me to try on..friends eh? Got to love them.

meow xo 

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Georgie Porgie!

Need I say much more? 


This is another wonderful friend of mine that I have missed dearly. If i'm honest, what you see is not weird for us either...drinks had begin and memories flooded back. 

My best friend is home and she couldn't be happier..not sure I feel the same way..well, maybe. 

I think I understand where I get the random from. 

That..thing..yeah, let's go with 'thing', began as a swan / pigeon and ended up a pigeon / t-rex. The characteristics she gave it to make it look like me was a short untidy scribble for hair and an iPod lead. It's nice to know she thinks of me as a pigeon / t-rex that is glued to her gadgets and doesn't look presentable. I'm surprisingly more offended by the later.

Train journey home as the shenanigans continue on. 

p.s I didn't know shenanigans was actually a word until my mac corrected my spellings. S'alls am sayin'. 

meow xo

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Birthday in the sun.

Waiting for my friend I spotted a cute little old man sat in view.

Pigeons in love..or having a good old chinwag. Either way they get along. Isn't that sweet! 

I have acquired a love of baking which I am putting down to the amount of time spent with my mother and away from friends. Victoria sponge is his favourite so this was my present. Apparently it was very tasty. Chuffed. 

Friday, 29 July 2011


Well hello CHUMS! I have just arrived home from the most romanticised english holiday of all time.

The Scilly Isles is a remote journey back in time where everything is grown from their fields and the main form of travel is by bike or by boat. It's a place that my family has been visiting every year for the last 75 years and whilst celebrating the third generation's attendance, it was the long awaited wedding of my favourite (now)auntie and uncle which was most delightful to be a part of.

For me the day started in my bedroom with a view of lapping waves and, unfortunately, a blanket of fog that only just skimmed the top of the beach that surrounded us. I wore a salmon pink flowing dress with beige wedges and a beige linen cardigan to match. Hair refused to stay up and stay styled in the fog but none the less I attempted a discreet curling of my now bobbish hair style - in DESPERATE need of a hair cut may I just add! After the rush (of course, I am a girl after all) the groom popped round to show off his personally designed tailored suit and hand made shirt and bow tie to match, which sent my mother into a stream of tears as per her usual self. He looked wonderful.

I was on 'casual camera' duty whilst my parents mingled with the other 14 guests before and after the reception which was wonderful to catch people shoving in canapes and glugging down champagne from 11am onwards. Unfortunately, my efforts were not fully appreciated once they realised that I had caught their unattractively pulled faces to be exposed to the world of my mac!! Cute coupley pictures were of course taken as the bride looked exquisite all dolled up in the traditional white.

Onto the dinner/lunch at the Star Castle Hotel which is placed on the highest point of St Marys. My vegetarianism served me well as it was healthy and tasted meal EVER. mmmm. My dad gave his best man speech and unknown to the bride and groom I was to make a little speech of my own. Although I was petrified, I managed to spiral into praise and anecdotes of our time together and the notorious conclusion of my uncle's continual tendency to be late at all times.. always. No word of a lie. And after gifts were exchanged and thank you's given by the happy couple my brother plucked up the courage to say his bit and, I'm not one to admit defeat, especially not to him, but he was incredible. Spoke fluently and with a glass in one hand (HE DOESN'T EVEN DRINK!!) and the other in his pocket, he made us laugh and nearly made me cry out of sheer surprise and because I was SO proud of him for that. What a trouper. He wowed us all and he didn't stutter, sweat, shake or worry. He just did it. Completely unprepared and blew us all away. I'm so glad we're related!!!

No doubt I will rant about the rest of my holiday when I have the pictures ready to upload. But for now I will leave on the note that this day was the most special and meaningful one for hundreds and thousands of reasons. I'm just glad that I can share my joy with whoever may read this.

Hoping that everybody is having a beautiful summer and is creating special memories just like this one.

Alexandra xo

Sunday, 19 June 2011


Although it may not be translated, and it may just be the fact that it's French but the adorable and beautiful nature of this film is undoubtable. ENJOY x

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Spending Time in Edinburgh

I've been hiding in and amongst the turrets and corridors of my school but now I'm patiently waiting for summer! - as I am sure you all are too! In the meantime I've been to the ECA degree show, going to the film festival and hunting down my favourite cafe' in my home city, Edinburgh.

My recommendations so far go to:

Heather Dimarco - FLOATING FEATHERS!!!
.. I think it's delicately adorable!

FASHION: After seeing the ECA fashion show in April this year, these were my favourite collections.

                           Anika Hoppel                              
 David Vallance                           

PERFORMANCE COSTUME: Seeing these collections in action created the most entertaining scenery filling the halls of ECA.

                            Claire Blake                                  

Joanna Pennycard

The degree show finishes Sunday 19th June at 5pm. If you're in Edinburgh it's something you don't want to miss. Even better, it's FREE! 

Off to see new film 'Tomboy' tonight at Edinburgh University campus and will be back with the verdict. 
Have a wonderful evening!

Alexandra xo

p.s I am yet to acquire my favourite caffe', any suggestions?

p.p.s What art is can never be defined but I believe that good art is something that provokes you into instant emotion. Just a thought :)

Monday, 17 January 2011

Day out in the sales

Glasgow after christmas, hectic oui but very VERY enjoyable. After dragging my friends around the oh so wonderful Urban Outfitters, I was then taken to American Apparel which I never knew actually existed just round the corner, hidden in the city! That's where I found the largest range of minimalist outfits arranged and set out between the genders. After a nice stop at Starbucks we headed back home, shopping in hand and christmas money disappeared (hmmm). Already ready for what next year had in store! Happy Shopping!

Alexandra x